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Is my donation to Got Your Six K9s tax deductible?
YES, Got Your Six K9s is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization dedicated to providing professionally trained service dogs to wounded military veterans.  If you would like to make a donation and have it deducted from your taxes, please contact us and we will make the EIN # available to you. Your donations are much appreciated.


When was Got Your Six K9s started?
Got Your Six K9s was founded in October of 2016.


What specifically are some of the skills the service dogs perform?
Got Your Six K9s service dogs are trained to assist with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and mobility impairments. The service dogs may be trained to block, watch, interrupt flashbacks and navigate crowds for those suffering from PTSD.  For mobility impairments, the service dogs may be trained to turn on/off lights, open/close doors and drawers, pick up items and retrieve items.


What breed of dogs do you use and why?
Got Your Six K9s trains Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds.  These three breeds are the right size for service dog work (not too big nor too small) and they are quite smart and easily trained.  These dogs have wonderful temperaments and are loving and loyal.


How many dogs are in the program?
As of March 2017, four service dogs have been placed with their wounded military veteran.  Our goal at this time is to place 3-4 service dogs per year.


I'm a Veteran, how do I apply?
First, we appreciate your service to our country.  The application can be found on this website.  Print and complete the application, mail it in to the address listed. Once our Board of Directors meets we will be in touch with the next steps. 


Is there a waiting list and if so, how long is it?
The Waiting List varies from year to year.  As more resources become available, more dogs may be added to the training program. At this time, the wait is 6-8 months.


If I don't get a dog right away, how long is my application valid?
Applications remain in consideration for 18 months, unless the applicant is notified differently.


As a Veteran, what happens if my application is accepted?
Applicants selected to receive a Got Your Six K9s service dog will begin to work with trainers several months before the Team Training.  Extensive follow-up training with GYSixk9s is required throughout the entire life of the Human-Canine team.  If the follow up training is not kept up with to GYSixk9s we do reserve the right to legally re-obtain the dog.



We have a pet dog at home, is that okay to still be considered for a service dog?
It is just fine to own a pet dog, or cat for that matter.  During the home visit, we will want to be sure that the environment, including pets, are conducive for the service dog to work effectively.


On the application you ask for references, why?
The references and support system are very important.  Got Your Six K9s will contact references to discuss your situation and ability to care for the dog.


How much does a Veteran have to pay for a service dog?
Got Your Six K9s does NOT charge for a service dog.   


Who pays for the care of the service dog once it's placed with a Veteran?
We take care of all financial cots for the dog. That includes food, vet care, equipment, and continuing training. 




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